It’s the Lunar New Year. Welcome to the Year of the Wood Snake

Xinnian Kuaile! The Year of the Wood Snake, which occurs every 60 years, is a period marked by introspection, transformation, and careful planning. In Chinese astrology, the Snake is associated with wisdom, mystery, and elegance. At the same time, the Wood element brings growth, vitality, and new opportunities. Together, these aspects create a dynamic year that offers both challenges and rewards. […]
The Treatment of Cataracts with Chinese Medicine

Cara O. Frank, L.OM., Dipl. OM The following is an excerpt from my book TCM Case Studies: Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders, published by People’s Medical Publishing House. Read the entire chapter, which discusses other patterns and formulas in relation to this topic Licensed practitioners can order these formulas from China Herb Company. This chapter focuses on […]
Mantis Dreams

Five seeds for nourishing one’s ancestors. They taught me that it nourishes the Kidney Qi- not warm, not cool. A Goldilocks of Kidney tonics.
Formula Updates

It’s no secret that more and more herbs are being unavailable to purchase or use. Because of this, We’ve modified a number of formulas to replace Xi Xin, Lu Jiao Jiao and Wu Ling Zhi. See our changes below: Wu Mei Wan Unfortunately there’re no edits. We simply omitted the Xi Xin Zuo Gui Wan […]
Reflections on Practice and Business

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New Product! Womb Warmer

Or should we name it Channel Warmer? Help me decide and I’ll throw a $10 credit into your account. Our newest creation: a warming, penetrating topical liquid moxa for folx with uterus’s. It’s like a little bottle of liquid sunshine for your lower belly. It’s still in early deevelopmentgive me FEEDBACK! It’s still a prototype. […]
Study with Top Fertilty Experts from CHina

China Herb Company has partnered with Treasure of the East and the World Chinese Medicine Forum for a series of 5 amazing lectures THE WHOLE SERIES IS ONLY $200 WORTH 10 PDA CREDITS CHINA HERB CUSTOMERS CAN GET 50% OFF! USE THE CODE 3BRANCHES WHEN REGISTERING! The whole series is only $200 and […]
Formulas that clear Summerheat

Summer is here, and it is hot. Let’s talk about formulas that clear Summerheat. Cara O. Frank, L.OM. If you’ve been following me, you’ll notice a pattern in my writing: I’ve been preoccupied with iterations of heat clearing herbs and formulas for a decade. My attention has evolved this year towards restoration: Recently, […]
Herb Gallery: Herbs that Tonify

Herbs that tonify qi Substances that Tonify Blood Subtances that tonify yin Substances that tonify yang
It’s Women’s History Month- Let’s talk about Si Wu Tang

We’re celebrating Women’s History Month by featuring formulas for Women! I always say: Chinese Medicine is God’s gift to women. I was thinking about the core building block of Blood formulas: Si Wu Tang- Four Substance Decoction. Four herb formulas- and there are many, highlight the core components of formula architecture: These four herbs are […]